Passive Income

Last Update 14 May 2015

The portfolio page currently tracks my IRA which I've invested solely in dividend paying stocks set up to automatically reinvest via DRIP by my broker.  This particular IRA was started in 2014. I was inspired by Dividend Mantra's Freedom Fund, Dividend Life's Portfolio, the Dividend Guy's Portfolio,  and others (to add later).

The portfolio also tracks my Loyal3 taxable account.

The idea is to create a portfolio that will assist with paying bills in retirement via passive dividend income. To fully replace employment income would require a 7 figure portfolio, this will not be possible in my IRA due to getting a late start and time to retirement age (in 27 years). Thus I'm going to do what I can with the max IRA contributions yearly and stay mostly in ETFs/target date funds in the current employer's 401k.

Traders think this sort of investing is a bad idea... only time will tell.

Dividend Income (2014)

reinvested via DRIP

Total for 2014: $84.58

Dividend Income (2015)

reinvested via DRIP

Total for 2015
(Jan):   $  35.79
(Feb):  $140.28
(Mar):  $131.06
(Apr):  $109.68
(May): $161.60
(Jun):   $143.00
(Jul):    $576.18 <--thanks KRFT!
(Aug):  $300.74

You probably want to check out the Dividend Stock Resources Page for the how to's


  1. Wow, I like your year over year progress. You hit 42.3% of last years total in the first month of 2015! Keep up the good work.

  2. Hi!

    Thank you for the mention and congrats on starting your blog! I hope your FI journey continues to inspire and reward you! :)

    Best wishes,

  3. Great job with your passive income growth. Look forward to seeing how your 2015 shapes up. Keep reinvesting those dividends and watch that snowball grow.
