Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Motif rebalances & creation of a new Motif

For end of April and May I did some motif rebalancing and created a new Motif.

First up was:

Only change here was to add BUD to the Motif.

Up next is my betting on the future Motif, which I think is all red at the moment :-/

I rebalanced this Motif to add a bunch of solar companies. I really liked the Tesla powerwall announcement and it spurred me to look into some of the other solars.  I plan to dollar cost average this Motif over the next few quarters until it hits full position and then I'll just wait and see what happens. This is a long term bet portfolio and I think I've mentioned that I'm willing to ride this one out and really have no plans to sell anything in the portfolio (for now).

If you are curious as to which solars and why, here you go:

TSLA (why cars + batteries)
SCTY (why walmart partnership)
SUNE (why Kohls partnership)
FSLR (why Apple partnership)
SPWR (why warren buffet involvement && J&J + many others)
VSLR (why up on the year)
CSIQ (why up on the year)

Lastly with some cash back from uncle Sam I created a simple credit card companies motif consisting of V, MA, AXP, and DFS.  Long term I don't see the world doing better with credit card debt (meaning I think we will continue to pile it on) so I think they are a good buy and hold opportunity.


  1. How many different Motifs did you create? Do you have a dividend-centric motif?

  2. Just the three listed and the one for my kid (see the other post). I'm using my IRA and 401k for a dividend centric one i guess. So no, I haven't created a Dividend centric one. do you?

    I've really been using Loyal3 as a taxable dividend accumulation place. What i'm holding there is on the portfolio spreadsheet.
